Tuesday 29 January 2013

Common Weather Folklore and Proverbs

1 .When sea birds fly to land
there truly is a storm at hand.

Comment: I see no problem in taking seabirds' lead.
2. To talk of the weather is nothing but folly; when it rains on the hill, it suns in the valley.
3. From twelve ‘til two tells what the day will do.
4. The more rain, the more rest;  
fair weather’s not always best.
comment: the glass is half full.
5. Yellow streaks in sunset sky,  wind and day long rain is nigh. 
 6. Year of snow , fruit will grow.


 Comment: Only if there is

 no flooding.

7. The chill is on, near and far,       
in all the months that have an ‘R’.
comment: it is true for the residents of Saskatchewan.

8. Rainbow in the east, sailors at peace. Rainbow in the west sailors in distress.


Yes! The storm has moved on to the East.

9. Rainbow in the morning, shepherds take
 warning; rainbow at night, shepherds’ delight.
10.  A sunshiny shower won’t last half an hour.


These proverbs are taken from the following website.




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